Current Situation : 2021
The state of Rajasthan is currently under lockdown. Unlike last year, the rural and tribal areas of Udaipur, Rajsamand and other parts of Rajasthan are severely hit. Around 40 to 50 families have COVID-19 symptoms in each village and most have more than 2 members affected with COVID in as family. There is also much fear among people both in terms of testing for COVID and receiving vaccination. The government frontline workers in the villages involved in awareness and follow up of COVID affected people don't have adequate safety gears, which is putting them at risk and increasing their vulnerability.
Our Response
The organisation is taking up different interventions that are shared below. The situation in field is changing rapidly, and the response has to be fluid and flexible accordingly to meet new emerging needs and change in priorities.
Below are interventions planned at present towards relief efforts.
1. Community Awareness & Education
Using mix of communication tools including social media, audio-visual messages, pamphlets, wall paintings etc. an extensive awareness campaign is being planned to reach communities.
Efforts will be done to reach in deeper pockets where their access to mainstream information sources is less. Community leaders, panchayat members and women SHG members will play an important role in motivating people. The key areas on which awareness will be done in community are:
· Identification of symptoms, do's and don'ts during home isolation and degrees of seriousness of patient's condition
· Timely referrals - when and where to go for medical help (to healthcare facilities, where available, rather than to the ubiquitous quacks with unproven remedies)
· Covid behaviour in public like mask wearing, distancing, avoiding gathering and others
· Vaccination - dismissing local myths and encouraging uptake of vaccination
Capacity building of frontline workers and volunteers to build COVID appropriate behaviour in the rural communities will be done through providing them trainings and reference materials.
2. Support to COVID affected patients and families
Around 80% COVID patients have mild symptoms and can recover at home with education, support and follow-up. Home based care will support in recovery of patients and will also help to contain further spread of virus. The response of home care includes-
a) Food kit- dry ration to COVID affected families to support their isolation period and contain further spread. This is given only to needy (One kit serves to 15 days requirement of 5 members)
b) Sanitation kit- to maintain hygiene during isolation sanitation kit includes soaps, detergent, sanitiser. The most important component of this kit is a set of 3-layer masks for all family members and brochure on care during home isolation. Families will be counselled to follow isolation properly and avoid visiting outside.
c) Counseling and Follow up - Some home care patients will shift from mild to moderate category of Covid infection and will need oxygen support and medication. Their chances of recovery and getting into complications will reduce with timely referral to closest covid care centre or other health facility. Government and Seva Mandir frontline workers will follow-up with all Covid families in their vicinity over phone or personal visit and provide required counselling. Each village will be provided with 5 sets of Oximeter and Thermometer. The equipment will be provided to patient's family and the use will be taught till sick member is cured. The equipment will be rotated for use in families. Frontline workers will closely monitor the oxygen level, temperature and other symptoms or patients and timely advise and support to visit health facilities.
3. Support to vulnerable families in villages
Vulnerable families in villages will be provided food & sanitation kits to aid their survival during pandemic. These families include those who (a) have lost family members or livelihoods due to pandemic, (b) have only elderly members, disabled members &/or orphan children, are women-headed.
4. Ensuring Safety & Welfare of Frontline Workers
Frontline workers of the government like ASHAs, ANMs and Anganwadi workers, and the volunteers associated with community institutions and Seva Mandir are taking risk for their lives to carry relief efforts. The relief material distribution and information dissemination will be undertaken by these workers with support from Seva Mandir staff.
It is paramount to provide them with safety and other support. A kit including face shield, 3-layer masks, sanitisers and soaps will be given to the frontline workers and volunteers including our staff.
Seva Mandir is also putting up a mechanism to provide support for care and treatment for staff and volunteers that are exposed to Covid risks. An insurance support is also being explored for further assurance.
5. COVID Care Centres
Government is establishing COVID Care centres at block level with facility of oxygen concentrators and medicines that can treat patients with moderate symptoms. As a result, these patients do not have to travel to Udaipur and Rajsamand, and only those who need further treatment for complications can be referred. This facility is a required extension of home care and frontline workers will be able to send members there. Seva Mandir runs a clinic in partnership with a medical NGO. The clinic has indoor facility. We are exploring to start a care centre in the clinic in partnership with the government.